Seven Steps to Kriya

Learning Sudarshan Kriya is probably one of the few things Google can’t help you with. To master the technique you need to attend The Art of Living Happiness Program and be properly trained. Like with anything, there are likely people claiming to be able to teach it, but Sudarshan Kriya can only taught by trained AOL facilitators.

  1. The Sudarshan Kriya, a powerful rhythmic breathing technique that facilitates physical, mental, emotional and social well-being is an integral part of Art of Living programmes. My experience of doing Sudarshan Kriya Millions of people from all walks of life have been touched by the healing power of the Sudarshan Kriya.
  2. There are many stories about Sudarshan Kriya and courses gone bad, except we all kept them secretive in order to sell more and because the problem was never with the Master or the technique, as per his talks on the 3 types of doubts.

Step 1 – The Art of Meditation: Basic Practices


In just a few weeks, you can experience the benefits of meditation in your life—inner peace, health, and spiritual awakening. Ananda is one of the oldest and largest centers for meditation training in the Sacramento Area. Thousands of people from every walk of life have learned to meditate in Ananda classes over the past forty years. A 3-week class series is offered each month. If time doesn’t permit you to attend the full series, single Saturday sessions are also offered each month. Look for Meditation I Class Dates in our calendar.

Step 2 – Energy and Focusing the Mind

The secret of success in life, and in meditation practice, is to be able generate energy at will and direct it where you wish. Yogananda developed the Energization Exercises, which you will learn as an integral part of this series, as well as deepening your practice of the techniques in “Learn to Meditate.”

Step 3 – Devotion: Opening the Heart

As meditation deepens, we begin to experience something greater than ourselves. Whether it is called the higher self, the soul, or God, it is another dimension of awareness. How do we relate to it? What is its role in our lives? Explore meditation as a means of inner communion, the awakening of the heart, and the beginning of what Yogananda calls the “divine romance.”

Sudarshan Kriya Breathing Technique Steps

Step 4 – Disciple to Guru Relationship

If a student wishes, he may become a disciple of Yogananda. In a simple ceremony, a vow is taken asking the help of the guru in finding our way to inner freedom. Says Yogananda, “The purpose of a guru is not to weaken your will. It is to teach you secrets of developing your inner power, until you can stand unshaken amidst the crash of breaking worlds.”

Step 5 – Expanding Your Awareness – The Aum Technique

Meditation has often been called “the listening part of prayer.” After we have done our share of talking, meditation leaves an opening for the Divine to respond. Learn how to expand your awareness to embrace much more than you thought possible, with techniques especially designed to cultivate devotion and heart qualities.

Step 6 – Kriya Yoga Preparation

Kriya should be given to “all who humbly ask for help.” However, some preparation is necessary, to make the body and mind ready to receive the power created by the practice of this technique. It was Babaji who requested that Yogananda bring the Kriya meditation technique to the West as “an instrument through which human evolution can be quickened.” Yogananda wrote that Kriya is “the most effective device of salvation through self-effort ever to be evolved in man’s search for the Infinite.” Yogananda writes more about this technique in “The Science of Kriya Yoga,” in Autobiography of a Yogi.

Step 7 – Kriya Initiation

Sudarshan Kriya Steps Video

Kriya initiation is offered regularly at Ananda Sacramento. For more information about initiation or ongoing support for your Kriya practice call (916) 361-0891, or email the Ananda Sangha at: center@anandasacramento.

Seven Steps to Kriya

Step 1 – The Art of Meditation: Basic Practices

In just a few weeks, you can experience the benefits of meditation in your life—inner peace, health, and spiritual awakening. Ananda is one of the oldest and largest centers for meditation training in the Sacramento Area. Thousands of people from every walk of life have learned to meditate in Ananda classes over the past forty years. A 3-week class series is offered each month. If time doesn’t permit you to attend the full series, single Saturday sessions are also offered each month. Look for Meditation I Class Dates in our calendar.

Sudarshan Kriya Mp3

Step 2 – Energy and Focusing the Mind


The secret of success in life, and in meditation practice, is to be able generate energy at will and direct it where you wish. Yogananda developed the Energization Exercises, which you will learn as an integral part of this series, as well as deepening your practice of the techniques in “Learn to Meditate.”

Step 3 – Devotion: Opening the Heart

As meditation deepens, we begin to experience something greater than ourselves. Whether it is called the higher self, the soul, or God, it is another dimension of awareness. How do we relate to it? What is its role in our lives? Explore meditation as a means of inner communion, the awakening of the heart, and the beginning of what Yogananda calls the “divine romance.”

Step 4 – Disciple to Guru Relationship

If a student wishes, he may become a disciple of Yogananda. In a simple ceremony, a vow is taken asking the help of the guru in finding our way to inner freedom. Says Yogananda, “The purpose of a guru is not to weaken your will. It is to teach you secrets of developing your inner power, until you can stand unshaken amidst the crash of breaking worlds.”

Step 5 – Expanding Your Awareness – The Aum Technique

Sudarshan Kriya Steps

Meditation has often been called “the listening part of prayer.” After we have done our share of talking, meditation leaves an opening for the Divine to respond. Learn how to expand your awareness to embrace much more than you thought possible, with techniques especially designed to cultivate devotion and heart qualities.

Step 6 – Kriya Yoga Preparation

Sudarshan Kriya Breathing Technique Steps

Kriya should be given to “all who humbly ask for help.” However, some preparation is necessary, to make the body and mind ready to receive the power created by the practice of this technique. It was Babaji who requested that Yogananda bring the Kriya meditation technique to the West as “an instrument through which human evolution can be quickened.” Yogananda wrote that Kriya is “the most effective device of salvation through self-effort ever to be evolved in man’s search for the Infinite.” Yogananda writes more about this technique in “The Science of Kriya Yoga,” in Autobiography of a Yogi.

Step 7 – Kriya Initiation

Kriya initiation is offered regularly at Ananda Sacramento. For more information about initiation or ongoing support for your Kriya practice call (916) 361-0891, or email the Ananda Sangha at: center@anandasacramento.